Curvy Family Garden De Beauvoir Town, N1
This large, north-facing garden in Hackney was dominated by oversized, evergreen trees which cut out all the light. The clients wanted an informal garden which would encourage wildlife, a dedicated area for their children, and a large terrace for entertaining.
A series of curvy paths link new steps from the house to a wildlife pond, which is a magnet for the children, and beyond to circular lawn and a large terrace. A curved wall, faced with stone, frames the area and provides extra seating. The planting is naturalistic and bee and insect-friendly; new trees have light canopies and blossom and berries for different seasons of interest. In the borders, woodland shrubs and ferns give way to long-flowering perennials and grasses. A new, rose-covered pergola near the house is the perfect spot for home-working in the sun.